Working Group

#1072 Xeto & Haystack 5 Working Group

Brian Frank Fri 9 Jun 2023

For those of you who joined us at Haystack Connect this week, you saw some of the early work on Xeto. Xeto is designed as a data specification language for building Haystack templates that can be used to streamline building and validating Haystack data models.

Up to this point, Xeto has been developed via a small group and funded by the US Dept of Energy. But we would now like to invite the larger Haystack community to collaborate on the continued design to help us standardize it as an official component of Project Haystack.

If you are new to Xeto, you can find a pre-recording of the Haystack Connect presentation here. (Sorry, we do not have a recording of the introductory material - that video jumps straight in).

Proposed scope of work for this WG:

  • Shepherd Xeto into a real specification
  • Decide how Xeto integrates into Project Haystack's technology stack
  • Development practices (GitHub, PR management, etc)
  • What libraries should Project Haystack standardize (points, attributes, etc)
  • Feature set required for cloud repository
  • Explore integration of Xeto queries into HTTP API
  • Explore possibility of replacing source defs now in Trio files with Xeto

Brian Frank Fri 11 Aug 2023

I'm planning to start a webcast every other week on Tuesday 11AM ET. The kick off meeting will be Tue August 22nd at 11AM ET. For those of you signed up, an invitation has been sent out.

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