#825 nHaystack and reference tags

George Perez Fri 12 Jun 2020

Using nHaystack Service, we added haystack slots to a number points. We can see a populated siteRef and equipRef in the slot (relation sheet confirms the refrence tags, and so does a Spy on the points.) Should we see the siteRef or the equipRef on the property sheet of the point or the edit Tags popup ?

We have been able to export the haystack tags to a supervisor by adding a tagsToFetch slot to the Niagara network joining the stations. I was hoping to see the siteRef and equipRef tags to show up on the points at the Sup but they do not, (the relation sheet doesn’t even show the equipRefs)

How would I confirm the reference tags have made it to the supervisor? Would the N4 search be able to return all equipRefs say for an equip named ZV01, if so what would be the syntax for the query ?

N4 is at, nhaystack module is 3.0.1

Thanks in advance for any help.

Eric Anderson (Tridium) Sun 14 Jun 2020

The siteRefs and equipRefs (and other refs such as ahuRef) are modeled as relations in Niagara. That is why they appear on the relation sheet and spy page but not on the property sheet or edit tags dialog (if the relations are implied, they will only show up on the spy page). They will also not be available in tagsToFetch because they are relations and not Niagara tags.

When we export tags to an nhaystack client using the nhaystack module, we convert these siteRef and equipRef relations to tags. The value of these tags is set to the id property of the relation endpoint. It would be useful to imply tags like these within Niagara so they would be available within a station.

Instead of using tagsToFetch, you might consider exporting tags and relations to a system database in the supervisor. Once in the systemDb, the siteRef and equipRef relations could be queried using neql. (Would be nice to support the haystack filter syntax in the systemDb!)

George Perez Tue 16 Jun 2020

Eric, thanks for the feedback. I have a few more follow up questions:

I see what you mean about the ref tags not making it to the supervisor via TagsToFetch. Would we have to drop the HSite and Hequips again at the supervisor to have the relations recreated ?

Looking through one of our client’s supervisor, we found a station with both the siteRef and equipRef showing up on the property sheet of the point. I thought this was ideal. Any idea how did they got the ref tags to show up like that in Niagara?

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