#54 Integration

Brendan Walker Mon 25 Jun 2012

Hi there we are working on a integration project and beginning what I think is going to be a long process of point and object renaming. Haystack is providing some great guidance on the HAVC side of the coin but in this project we have Fire systems, Elevators, Generators and district sea water pumping systems that we need to address. Is Haystack going to look developing some sort of elevator object (even a basic monitor) or some fire alarm/equipment based objects?

Brian Frank Mon 25 Jun 2012

I think we'd all love to see definitions for all types of systems including the ones you enumerated.

What is required is a proposal from a domain expert, and then after that we need at least two others who have the domain knowledge to provide balanced view points.

For example elevators or generators might be simple and common enough to start. Assuming you know these well, maybe just propose a basic strawman for the equipment and their commonly used points.

Raymond Kaiser Wed 11 Jul 2012

Brian - it would be helpful to have a sample template for someone to propose a new type.

Brian Frank Wed 11 Jul 2012

Brian - it would be helpful to have a sample template for someone to propose a new type.

Don't think we need anything formal - just a proposed equip/point tag name and definition. In the end anything has to get written using like our existing documentation, so the closer to that the better. But I think informal discussion to get things started if fine.

What actually helps with a new system model is to just start with the basic abstractions and start to break the system down.

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