I am trying to build an enterprise level nHaystack DB and I am running into problems.
I have approximately 120+ stations under the NiagaraNetwork service. All points are categorized by state, site, floor, equipment, end device. I.E. CA,Sandiego,bldg555,fl1,ahu1,mat(value) I.E. WA,Seattle,bldg1204,fl5,ahu3,dat(value) etc.
The stations are all communicating in on Foxs. All other ports on the remote stations are off. There is no web services running on any station and cannot per spec. Each Station has a tls 3rd party signed cert with mutual auth.
The way I have it setup is "Site" is on the "bldg555" level and "Equip" on the "ahu1" level. Weird thing also is it's pulling out a facet that is under the point in Equip, "Title". So if I have 50 points, I have an additional 50 copies of "Title"
Thanks in advance.
Jason BriggsMon 9 May 2016
I would split my database up. I have never been able to get that many stations running under NIagara. I don't think it was designed to scale like that. Maybe it's planned.
Al Tufano Mon 9 May 2016
I am trying to build an enterprise level nHaystack DB and I am running into problems.
I have approximately 120+ stations under the NiagaraNetwork service. All points are categorized by state, site, floor, equipment, end device. I.E. CA,Sandiego,bldg555,fl1,ahu1,mat(value) I.E. WA,Seattle,bldg1204,fl5,ahu3,dat(value) etc.
The stations are all communicating in on Foxs. All other ports on the remote stations are off. There is no web services running on any station and cannot per spec. Each Station has a tls 3rd party signed cert with mutual auth.
The way I have it setup is "Site" is on the "bldg555" level and "Equip" on the "ahu1" level. Weird thing also is it's pulling out a facet that is under the point in Equip, "Title". So if I have 50 points, I have an additional 50 copies of "Title"
Thanks in advance.
Jason Briggs Mon 9 May 2016
I would split my database up. I have never been able to get that many stations running under NIagara. I don't think it was designed to scale like that. Maybe it's planned.