#29 Update 7-Sep-2011

Brian Frank Wed 7 Sep 2011

I have updated the website with the latest tag library. This update is based on proposal #25 which redesigns point tagging conventions to use multiple, finer grained tags.

All points are now required to implement the in, out, or sp tags. Quite a bit of changes to the Structure, AHU, and VAV chapters. I also added a few diagrams.

The overall tag count was reduced from 95 tags down to 85 tags. Although with this new design we should end up with a lot less tags once we get into fully defining additional equipment like boilers and chillers.

A summary of the changes:

dischargeTemp     -> discharge air temp in
dischargeHumidity -> discharge air humidity in
dischargeFlow     -> discharge air flow in
dischargePressure -> discharge air pressure in
fan               -> discharge air fan out
fanDiffPressure   -> discharge air fan in

returnTemp        -> return air temp in
returnHumidity    -> return air humidity in
returnFlow        -> return air flow in
returnPressure    -> return air pressure in  
returnCO2         -> return air co2 in
returnFan         -> return air fan out
returnDamper      -> return air damper out

mixedTemp         -> mixed air temp in

zoneTemp          -> zone air temp in
zoneTempSp        -> zone air temp effective sp
zoneTempCoolSp    -> zone air temp cooling sp
zoneTempHeatSp    -> zone air temp heating sp
zoneHumidity      -> zone air temp humidity in
zoneCO2           -> zone air temp co2 in
zoneDamper        -> discharge air damper out

outsideTemp        -> outside air temp in
outsideHumidity    -> outside air humidity in
outsideFlow        -> outside air flow in
outsidePressure    -> outside air pressure in  
outsideFan         -> outside air fan out
outsideDamper      -> outside air damper out

exhaustFan         -> exhaust air fan out
exhaustDamper      -> exhaust air damper out

filterDiffPressure -> filter in

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