#259 Niagara History Grouping

Clint Parker Mon 23 Feb 2015

I have a Tridium BACnet supervisor and the histories are setup in groupings, in the haystack connector discover in skyspark under the history space it only shows the histories under the "default" history database, is there a method to see the histories in the grouped folders

Mike Jarmy Tue 24 Feb 2015

I guess I wasn't aware that there was any such feature for histories. It must be a new-ish feature or perhaps one that I just never knew about. Anyway it sounds like a reasonable thing for us to support, I'll put it on the list as a probable future enhancement.

John MacEnri Wed 25 Feb 2015


Is this possibly just a Niagara station permissions problem?

The user you use in the Haystack connection from SkySpark to the Supervisor, what kind of permissions has that user been granted on the Tridium Supervisor? i.e Is it a super user or has it been assigned a Permissions Category which restricts what History groupings it can see.

I was working with Mike on a similar issue recently, but I'm not certain that what you're experiencing is the same thing. Mike, do you think it's related?

Chris Hanna Tue 26 May 2015

So just to be clear. Does the nhaystack service only look in the default history folder in the Niagara station for histories? And specific history groupings cannot be selected for use?

Mike Jarmy Thu 28 May 2015

NHaystack looks through the entire "HistorySpace", but treats it as a flat list, without any groupings. So you should get a list of every single history, but not grouped. If you are seeing anything other than that, then its something I'll have to look into.

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