#1151 Xeto ioWriteJson Error

Nick S Tue 25 Feb

When using ioWriteJson on a xeto spec I get an error anytime there is a unit specified. For example, this slot:

usefulLife: Number <unit:"yr">

throws an error:

ERROR: Func failed: ioWriteJson(Obj val,Obj handle,Dict opts); args: (MSlotsDict,Uri)
sys::Err: Unrecognized scalar: yr (sys::Unit)

Any advice on how to write out the JSON?

Brian Frank Tue 25 Feb

What exactly is the complete sequence b/w the spec definition and call to ionWriteJson. You have a spec with that meta. Are you trying to export the spec itself as JSON? Or some other instance data?

Nick S Tue 25 Feb

I have a spec defined:

AssetCore: Dict {
  assetId: AssetId
  usefulLife: Number <unit:"yr">
  mechSystem: Ref <of:COBie_System>
  usefulLifeMonths: Number <unit:"mo">
  anaUOM: ANAUOMChoice
  anaUOMQty: Number
  partsList: List<of:Part>
  childAssets: List<of:AssetId>

I run:


Was expecting to write the same output to file that I see when calling


in axon shell. The print call works, the ioWriteJson doesn't.

Brian Frank Tue 25 Feb

Ok, not sure what ioWriteJson should do in that case. Its probably not the right place for exporting specs to JSON.

But if you want to get specs in JSON, then use the command line interface like this:

xeto export-json myspecs::AssetCore
xeto export-hayson myspecs::AssetCore

See fidelity docs for differences between JSON vs Haystack fidelity

Nick S Tue 25 Feb

I see what you mean with the fidelity. I think my use case made that less of a concern. The purpose of this was to get a descriptive (not necessarily full fidelity) output of the expected data for a given type. This is part of a helper document we can give to projects to guide how they compile data. The output of blah.print({json}) does really well yielding:

"usefulLife": {
  "id": "ufext::AssetCore.usefulLife",
  "spec": "sys::Spec",
  "type": "sys::Number",
  "doc": "Integer or floating point numbers annotated with an optional unit",
  "val": "0",
  "unit": "yr"

I had assumed the ioWriteJson would do the same, but I see how that could lead someone astray with the type erasure.

I can't imagine we are the only owners who are specifying to projects what data they need at turnover, so it might be useful to have some thing that exports a helpful description.

For the xeto export-json is there a way to get all inherited slots as well? Looks like it only returns the slot for that type by default.

Thank you for your help.

Brian Frank Wed 26 Feb

You can use the -effective flag to dump full inheritance. Run -help to get all the options:

  xeto export-json [options] <targets>*
  targets    Libs, specs, and instances to export
  -help, -?          Print usage help
  -all               All libs installed in repo
  -verbose           Dump debug info as processing
  -outDir <File>     Output directory (generates one file per target)
  -outFile <File>    Output file (combine all targets in one file, default to stdout)
  -effective, -e     Generate inherited effective meta/slots (default is own)
  ph.points                   // latest version of lib
  ph.points-1.0.43            // specific version of lib
  ph.points::RunCmd           // latest version of spec
  ph.points-1.0.43::RunCmd    // specific version of spec
  ion.icons::apple            // instance in a lib
  xeto export-json sys                   // latest version of lib
  xeto export-json sys-1.0.3             // specific lib version
  xeto export-json sys ph ph.points      // multiple libs
  xeto export-json ph::Rtu               // one spec
  xeto export-json ph -outFile foo.xeto  // output to file
  xeto export-json sys ph -outDir myDir  // output each target to file in dir
  xeto export-json -all -outDir myDir    // output every lib to file in dir
  xeto export-json ph::Rtu -effective    // output effective meta and slots

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