#1150 ph.protocol feedback and review

James Gessel Sat 22 Feb

The Haystack Labs Working Group is developing a standardized design for communication protocol addressing and is seeking community feedback and approval.

The files can be found on github. Please review and leave comments. So far, designs have been created for BACnet and Modbus protocols only.

Short summary

We start with a base type

ProtocolAddr: Dict <abstract> {
  addr: Str 

Which can be extended for


BacnetAddr: ProtocolAddr {
  addr:  Str 
  trend: Str? 


ModbusAddr: ProtocolAddr {
  addr:  Str
  encoding: ModbusEncoding
  bitIndex: Int? 
  access: ModbusAccess <defVal:"r">         
  scale: Number <defVal:"1">             
  offset: Number?                         
  byteOrder: ModbusByteOrder?         

or any other protocol. See files for full specs and documentation.

Next steps:

  • Review github proposal
  • Leave comments/feedback
  • Develop examples
  • Expand to other protocols

Joel Bender Tue 25 Feb

James, I left some feedback on the merge request, let me know if you didn't see it.

tl;dr - the BACnet protocol references should be aligned with some part of the standard and there are a few options to pick from, and BACnet should be capitalized correctly :-).

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