#1100 pyHaystack Pint Error

Jeff Kimmel Tue 23 Jan 2024

Has anyone else had issues trying to extract points from nHaystack using pyhaystack getting errors related to pint?

I have a pressure point with unit in/wc and I am getting errors saying wc is not setup in the unit registry. I tried manually adding it but unsuccessfully.

Stephen Frank Wed 24 Jan 2024

I don't use nHaystack or pyhaystack, however, the correct Haystack units for inches of water column are in/wc or inH₂O (as opposed to just wc). Does that help?

Rick Jennings Fri 26 Jan 2024

Hi Jeff,

FYI. There is another open source Python client library called Phable: https://github.com/rick-jennings/phable

Recently we have been having excellent community involvement that has helped improve Phable.

Also, we would be happy to support you on Phable's issues forum.

I am not sure if nHaystack implemented the recent batch read and write features. So if you try out Phable then I suggest initially you focus on doing ops only on a single point record at a time.

Kind regards,


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