#1053 Haystack Grafana Plugin

Jay Herron Sun 9 Apr 2023

Hey haystackers,

I've been working on a Haystack data source plugin for Grafana, which is a widely used open source monitoring and dashboarding application. All you have to do is point the plugin at a Haystack HTTP API, and then you can view the data with any Grafana visualization, create variables for dynamic dashboards, and write automated alerts. All for free!

You can find the plugin here. Unfortunately, until this plugin is approved by Grafana I must manually sign it for your particular URL, so feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if you'd like to try it out! Thanks!

Brian Frank Tue 11 Apr 2023

Jay: this is pretty awesome! I often hear people who want to throw some data into Grafana, so this should be great for those use cases.

You want me to add this so the Downloads section as a project?

Jay Herron Wed 12 Apr 2023

Thanks Brian! I'm glad you think it will be valuable. Sure, putting it in the Downloads section would be awesome!

Jay Herron Wed 17 May 2023

The Haystack Grafana Plugin has been approved by Grafana and is now publicly available. Find it here: https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/needleinajaystack-haystack-datasource/

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