#451 IoT Use Case: Singapore's Chiller Efficiency Portal

Therese Sullivan Fri 28 Oct 2016

I am gathering stories for the next issue of Project Haystack Connections newsletter. Some of the big OEMs are seizing on the new HFC Phaseout part of the international climate agreement to sell new chillers. http://seekingalpha.com/article/4014208-honeywell-chemours-seize-climate-change-deal-opportunity

For those building owners around the world that will now need to retrofit existing chillers, prove compliance and more tightly manage their chillers, it would seem like an opportunity for the Haystack methodology too. Here is an article out of Singapore that involves a Microsoft Azure-based reporting system: https://news.microsoft.com/en-sg/2016/09/07/bca-partners-microsoft-to-leverage-iot-data-analytics-and-the-cloud-for-next-generation-green-mark-buildings/#sm.0000y7o9ycyzyeihqex19h3a6b5x2

Is anyone involved in similar chiller performance monitoring projects around the world? Let me know because I'm writing a story on this topic. Thanks!

david john Wed 9 Jun 2021

What about solar inverter and <a href="https://www.offgrid.ae/existing-boiler-efficiency">Existing Boiler Efficiency</a>

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