#1074 Modeling Device/Controller

Sanket J Fri 16 Jun 2023

I am working on a use case where I need to model a device or controller which requires to define port name such as:

Relay#1,2,3,4... AnalogInput#1,2,3,4... BinaryInput#1,2,3,4.. AnalogOutput#1,2,3,4.. UniversalInput#1,2,3,4..

Is there any standardization on how to model controller port names? I saw a tag called "floorNum" where we can add a number associated with the floors as key-value pair.

Similarly, can I use key values for defining relay, analog input, binary input, analog output, and universal as mentioned below:

"relay": "1", "relay": "2"... "analog": "1", "analog": "2"... "universal": "1", "universal": "2"... "binary": "1", "binary": "2"...

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